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Farmers Training in Southeast Sulawesi

28 February 2022

Farmers Training in Southeast Sulawesi
MAKASSAR - Farmers training in Southeast Sulawesi was carried out in several villages ie Desa Jempaka, Desa Amalengo, Desa Teguh Jaya, Desa Lampeapi, Desa Wawosu and Wawoni Selatan Island . Farmers are given training on planting, pruning, and the importance of cashew plant care. Farmers are also directed to forming a farmer group and Whatsapp group to facilitate if they want to consult, asking questions and discuss rergarding cashew plant.
In Desa Amalengo, it turns out that the farmers pay less attention to their cashew plantation resulting crops are not optimal. Comextra then directing and giving them training about pruning and grafting. In Desa Lampeapi land clearing was carried out to plant cashews. Comextra also providing training on cashew cultivation, including land preparation, seeding, planting and cashew plant care.