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Sulawesi’s Farmers Meeting 2018

March 14-15, 2018

PT Comextra Majora Sulawesi’s Farmers Meeting 2018

PT Comextra Majora® in collaboration with Yayasan Combat Grakindo held Sulawesi’s Farmers Meeting on 14 - 15 March 2018 at PT Comextra Majora® Wotu Branch, Lera Village, Wotu District, East Luwu Regency.

Participants who attended the event consisted of representatives of farmer groups of Yayasan Combat Grakindo from various regencies in Sulawesi, form South Sulawesi there are farmers from East Luwu, North Luwu, Palopo, Jeneponto, Bone, from Central Sulawesi are Poso, Parigi and Donggala, from Southeast Sulawesi are Kolaka and Kolaka Timur. Also attended farmers from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) and in total about 150 farmers was attend this event.

The official who also attended the event was East Luwu Regent H. Muh. Thoriq Husler, East Luwu - Regional House of Representatives Sukman Sadike, East Luwu - Head of Agriculture Office Muharif, Wotu’s Police Chief Inspector AKP. Moh. Jamal Ansar, Wotu’s subdistrict head Irawan Ali, Representative of Bank Indonesia Dwityapoetra Soeyasa.

The Farmers Meeting 2018 theme is "Kita Wujudkan Petani Mandiri Berkelanjutan”. The objective of this event is to introduce cocoa and cashew cultivation techniques by intercropping system and grafting, how to make compost and liquid fertilizer, cocoa pruning technique, fertilizing, pest management, cocoa post harvest processing and farmers' financial management.

It is hoped that through this event, the knowledge and skills of farmers about cocoa and cashew cultivation techniques will be improved, which also indirectly will improve the welfare of cocoa farmers and cashew farmers.